Excavation campaign 2012/free places
Excavation 2012 is divided in to 4 campaigns.
Goseck Winter Campaign2 - 19.3.12 - 13.4.12 - 7 places - places free
Goseck Summer Campaign 1 - 23.7.12 - 17.8.12 - 15 places - places free
Goseck SuCa2 - 20.8.12 - 14.9.12 - 15 places - places free
Goseck SuCa3 - 17.9.12 - 12.10.12 - 15 places - places free
We work from Monday to Friday 8 hours.
Beginning time of work as well as the breaks are established according to
internal agreement.
Medical health
We are digging in the soil and find also rusty nails.
Please assure to get an tetanus inoculation in time, if there is
need for it or the inoculation period is overdue.
Accomodation - Burgwerben "Castle-Manor"
The accomodation is actually in a "castel-manor" but you can not expect an
"castle-manor" like condition. You sleep with several persons in one room
and there are not to modern showers and toilets. For a long time there
were no so called "beauty works" made. If you wish to have a more "luxurious"
accomodation I can made a reservation on a room at the Goseck Castle (Goseck
Castle - 8 Euros the night, if you tell hat you are digging with us).
Anyhow there ist no possibility to stay over the weekend. When you decide
for this solution and wish to stay over the weekend, please phone right
now. I will made iquieries in other boarding houses.
.... cold breakfast, cold lunch as well as a warm dinner will be organized.
For the 4 weeks there is a fee of Euro 50,-- for the food and we ask to
bring this amount. There will be a breakfast from tuesday until friday (please
bring the breakfast and a sandwich for lunch for monday from your weekend)
and warm dinner from monday until thursday (friday evening mostly are
already at home)
As food there will be meat as well as vegetarian. If someone has special
allergies or is strictly vegetarian (this is not deprecative, but
sometimes the cooks will be took to their professional limits by these
wishes). I must inform these wishes to our food service.
A practical excavation will be certified. Therefore a certificate of the
University of Halle-Wittenberg. Certain other universities have other form
of certificates. If you need a special certificate please inform yourself
in the first place. If this is the case please bring a form with you or an
empty certificate.
Please to bring...
● 50€ for food/accomodation
● Air matress/Isomatress, sleeping bag, Blanket, coushion (if desiered)
● Cup/Mug, knife (for the sandwiches), eventually a coffemachine/waterboiler
● Weatherproof clothing witch can be dirted, strong shoes (best with steel
cape(front), hat or similar and think that the weather can be cold, wet or
really hot! We work on open sky.
● If you need special form of certificate pelase bring a model
● Bathing slippers for the shower - several take the shower one after the
● All think you think you need absolutely
Extra Rules for winter campaign :
you GET 100€, no need for 50€
I have more
question! - Klick here |